Monday, August 15, 2011

We´ve arrived in Madrid!!

We appologize for the lack of blog posts.  There was no working internet connection in the very small town where we spent Days in the Diocese.  (1100 people in the Murillo!...very rural)  We slept on teh floor in a sports facility...thank God it had showers.  It has been very hot. The small town opened their arms and hearts and we were truly loved, especially at the nightly fiesta in the town square, and by our adopted Mothers who served us daily meals.  It was quite the experience.  I survived staying put with Fatima less than 7 hours away! 

Fr. Terry celebrated Mass on today´s Assumption of the BVM - a National holiday in most of Europe.  He celebrated for us and the community.   We spent today´s siesta sleeping during the 3 hour bus ride to Madrid. We have checked into hotel, and just had supper. There are many pilgrims very visibly in town.  We expect more than 1,000,000 at the Mass. 

Tonight we are taking it easy in the hotel. Tomorrow a.m. there is a gathering for Canadians and few British who are in our hotel.  Tomorrow evening is the opening Mass. 

We are still working on posting photos..might have to find an Internet cafe...or something!

Debbie DeBruyne 


  1. We are so excited for all of you - there will be so much to see and do and experience! God bless you all! And may the Blessed Virgin guide you all in this ultimate spiritual journey!

    with love from
    The Brady's (wish we were there with you!)

  2. We were so looking forward to hear from you!!...

    Our prayers of thanks goes to these people that kindly opened their hearts, arms and town to welcomed you. God Bless them abundantly.

    Glad you made it to Madrid in one piece.
    Take care of yourselves, keep on enjoying this amazing journey, we are living it with you through your posts.

    May God bless you and all the people you encounter.

    Buenas Noches.....

    Los Villanueva

  3. Sounds like you are having a great time, meeting new friends and having an experience of a lifetime. God Bless and cherish every moment.

    Thinking of you,
    Love The Zimmermans

  4. We were so glad to hear from you. we are praying for you all.Everyone is excited to get some news from you.
    keep us posted
    love and God Bless
    the LePines

  5. we are off to bed and you guys are about to wake up. Enjoy your day and may GOD bless everyone. We are anxious to here more. Good night from the priestons.

  6. Thinking of you all and keeping you in our prayers - so glad to get an update - soak up some sun for the rest of us. God Bless
    The Hinzes
